Configuring Ubuntu 12.10 kiosk in portrait mode

It happens, when you need Ubuntu Linux to be installed on your interactive or not interactive kiosks. As the latest version is 12.10, it comes with some changes. This is a short post with explanation how you can configure Ubuntu 12.10 to work in Portrait mode on your kiosk.

Basically, the first question is what type of shell you would prefer to use. Ubuntu 12.10 coves with Unity preinstalled.

As I use my kiosks for interactive applications, I like onscreen keyboard in Gnome 3. So, hereby I explain how you can configure your kiosk to work with Ubuntu 12.10, with Gnome 3 (Gnome-shell) and with GDM.

How To Get A Complete GNOME 3 Desktop In Ubuntu 12.10, Without Installing Ubuntu GNOME Remix

This is exactly the same title of the post, you can use in order to to what specified in the tile. Hereby is the post.

As soon as you are done, you switched your system to work with GDM as so, you are to configure your kiosk to switch video in portrait mode.

Making your GDM Gnome 3 login screen in portrait mode

I spent a bit time to find how you can force GDM to rotate the screen before login, but it looks like a very simple thing though.

You need to edit the file as follows:
and insert just before the fist line of code which start from /sbin/initcrl the line as follows:
xrandr –o left

Of course, the code might differ as it depends what orientation of the screen is fixed in your kiosk, it might be xrandr –o right but as soon as you add this string and save your changes, you get your login screen in portrait mode.

Making Gnome 3 session in portrait mode

Basically, you might create a user in the system, for which you configure autologon in your GDM. Usually using GUI for system settings allows you to do so and as soon as you logged in, you can change the screen orientation by using same system settings but Displays applet.